This produces testosterone at an unprecedented rate

Portrait of happy young man smiling outdoors with hand in hair

Here’s a crazy story, and it’s all true…


So this guy, he throws away all the stuff his doc had told him to take.

Just throws them in the trash.

He smokes, he drinks, he eats pizza.

And his doctor hates him. He can’t stand him.

Why? Because this guy broke all the rules.

He did nothing the doctor told him to do…

And yet his lab results show his testosterone is 883 — higher than most teenage boys.

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And this guy? It’s me, Matt Cook.

And I don’t lift weights. I don’t do much working out at all anymore.

And I eat pretty much whatever I want.

I just broke some of the “rules.”

Here’s what I did to naturally raise my testosterone to 883 (doctors called it “dangerous” but it landed me an interview on ABC news)


–Matt Cook
