Proof that you never have to feel guilty for eating sugar
Hey, Matt Cook here, and remember being a kid and being warm and full of energy all the time?
You’d go outside to play in the cold and wouldn’t even want your jacket.

It’s ‘cause as kids, we are always burning up… our bodies are constantly burning SUGAR.
Youth is sugar burning. Even scientists agree…
Harvard University’s Dr. David Sinclair says, “We’re finding that aging isn’t the irreversible affliction that we thought it was. Some of us could live to 150.”

And Penn State University calls this discovery perfect for people who are overweight because they can “continue to eat and just waste the energy and be thin,” instead of storing the food and being fat.

Dr. Wang, professor at the prestigious Guangzhou University, found that the method I am showing you right now increases health and lengthens life.

Dr. Wang says that this discovery even preserves your DNA which can stop cancer in its tracks.
Because as we age, our metabolisms get slow and cold, and instead of burning sugar for energy, the body starts burning fat…
And believe it or not, this is a BAD thing.
Do you know what eventually happens to men who only burn fat and not sugar?
Diabetes, low testosterone, rockiness problems, obesity, more age-related diseases, even cancer…
So a hot, fast sugar-burning metabolism is the key to remaining young and healthy no matter how old you are.
–Matt Cook