How long men really need to last

This is great news for men who want to give a woman maximum pleasure

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Hey, Matt Cook here, and I know a lot of guys worry about lasting long enough when they’re with their wife or girlfriend.

They want to be sure their lady is enjoying herself — and that’s a good thing!

But most guys end up thinking they need to last 20 or even 30 minutes to satisfy their woman…

Yet I think that’s wrong. I agree with Dr. Harry Fisch, a prominent urologist who’s been featured on Howard Stern, Dr. Oz, and plenty of talk shows…

Dr. Fisch points out that the amount of time a woman needs to achieve an O through intercourse is only 5 to 7 minutes!

And this study has been vital for me in developing more of our products aimed at helping couples have more pleasure because…

…Here’s what really matters when trying to give a woman a big, body-shaking O through intercourse…

It’s all about the way you’re entering her… the position you’re putting her in…

In fact, I found one simple penetration move that hits all 3 of a woman’s hot spots at once — and I’m revealing it here.

I hope this helps you enjoy even more intimacy with the woman in your life like it is helping me.


–Matt Cook