Try this next time you take a shower…
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and this is the kind of thing men are hearing from women lately — they are LOVING this new shower technique…
“A few days ago when my boyfriend was in town, I was feeling a little out of it…
…hungover, cranky, and not that interested in rolling around on my bed and having sex.
I wanted to get out of bed and go do something productive.
After finally convincing my boyfriend to get his butt out of bed, we made some loose plans for the day and jumped in the shower….
Oh. My. God.
As I’m washing my hair, he is standing behind me and rubbing my shoulders…
I can feel his member pressing into my back and it feels so massive, so stiff…
It’s literally pulsing with power…throbbing and ready for me…
And as I feel myself getting more and more relaxed, he runs his hands down the front of my body…
And by the time he has gotten all the way down between my legs, I am craving him inside me.
I get on my knees and let him massage conditioner into my hair while I have him in my mouth…
Finally, he pulls me up from the shower floor and turns me around.
I bend over to touch my toes and he teases my p*ssy for a bit before finally giving in to what we both want…
It’s the best sex we’ve ever had and I swear he’s never felt so good.
Now that we were both satisfied and squeaky clean, we both flop on the bed naked.
And I say, screw our plans, because I would be crazy to leave the house…
…when I could just stay here in bed with my boyfriend and his fabulous member all day!” |
–Matt Cook