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Hey, Matt Cook here, and I’ve been working with world famous dating coach, Jonathan Green…
And we’ve made a fascinating discovery that’s helping single guys get more action.
You see, most guys are wining and dining women, making big gestures, buying flowers and tickets to the hottest show in town…
Spending weeks courting a woman, paying for meals and hoping that eventually, one day soon, it will pay off…
Well it turns out that this is all wrong!
I’ve found evidence of a better way to get a woman into bed… to get her turned on by you and wanting you sexually…
It turns out, all guys have to do is turn a woman on with words…
And then he can skip all that other stuff!
Because SHE will WANT to skip all the other stuff.
It will be her suggesting you two “Netflix and chill” or hang out at her place…
Because words make women horny.
Scientists have found women respond to words in a way that’s unique to the female sex…
While men get turned on by visuals like dirty movies, dirty pictures, lingerie, etc…
Women get turned on the most by words!
So how do you use words to get a woman into bed?
Jonathan and I have come up with a really simple method…
Something that’s as easy as copy-paste…
Here’s how to use words to turn a woman on and get her eager to jump into bed with you
–Matt Cook