Natural cancer-fighting powder costs less than $1 for a 6 month supply

Powder On Man`s Hand

And all you need is a pinch!


Hey, Matt Cook here, and I know this is going to sound crazy…

…but I’ve discovered a natural cancer-fighting powder…

…and it costs less than $2 for a 6-month supply…

See, there is one deadly toxic chemical building up in our bodies and causing cancer…

And this one chemical is all around us… in our foods, in our drinks, in our soaps and toothpastes…

It’s even in our toilet papers!

And this toxic chemical is getting inside our bodies and upsetting the delicate balance of the gut…

It’s clogging up the blood vessels, and lowering men’s testosterone…

This toxic chemical is stressing out the heart and leading to bad prostate and rockiness problems in men…

And this is the same toxic chemical that has been linked to cancer and Alzheimer’s disease!

This toxic chemical causes tissue hypoxia, which is when the cells and tissues are low on oxygen.

And all of the cells in our body need oxygen.

The more oxygen the cells and tissues get, the healthier they are.

But if you’re like most men, your cells are currently starved for oxygen, hungry for oxygen…

…suffering from lack of oxygen in a long, slow suffocation that ages us, cancers us, and ultimately kills us.

Fortunately, there is something you can use today — right now — to start removing this toxic chemical from your brain and body… 

And here it is — the weird secret to INCREASING the amount of oxygen that reaches your cells…

To get HIGHER oxygen reaching your cells, you need HIGHER carbon dioxide.

Did you know that carbon dioxide is a vital nutrient and the more carbon dioxide in your body, the more oxygen reaches your cells?

Try this experiment.

Exhale until your lungs are empty, and pinch your nostrils closed.

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Try to stay like that for as long as possible until you need air.

You’ll notice your nose opens up, and what you may notice or feel is that your blood vessels open up.

This little experiment raises carbon dioxide levels in your body and instantly increases oxygen levels too.

The extra boost of carbon dioxide relaxes the blood vessels all over the body, even in the brain, allowing more oxygen-rich blood to flow through…

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So the more carbon dioxide you have in your cells and tissues, the more oxygen reaches those cells and tissues.

This is actually called the Bohr Effect, named after Christian Bohr, famous Danish scientist from the 1800s.

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Bohr proved long ago that oxygen reaches the cells and tissues more efficiently when there’s more carbon dioxide present.

So men with high carbon dioxide levels have high oxygen levels.

Remember: raise carbon dioxide and you raise oxygen.

For instance, when you run, you burn 10 times more fuel than if you just stand around.

And what happens when you burn 10 times more fuel?

Well you know how burning fuel creates carbon dioxide?

Well now you are running and your body is creating 10 times more carbon dioxide.

That’s where the magic comes in. The higher carbon dioxide is, the more oxygen reaches your muscles.

This is how higher carbon dioxide levels give you more oxygen, so you can continue running.

So if you want to have high, healthy oxygen levels, you just need to raise the carbon dioxide level in your bloodstream…

And I’ve discovered a cheap, ordinary-looking white powder that naturally contains carbon dioxide.

Believe it or not, this powder can actually give up its carbon dioxide properties and give it to you, helping you raise your body’s oxygen levels naturally.

And as we know now, oxygenated cells destroy toxins better and faster than cells with less oxygen.

Oxygenated cells prevent cancer from growing and spreading and infecting men’s bodies…

So no more inflammation, no more gut problems, and no more cancer.

All from a cheap, ordinary white powder you can get at nearly every store in the world.

And that’s not all this amazing white powder can do…

This seemingly ordinary white powder raises men’s testosterone and lowers harmful estrogen…

…it gives you a natural energy boost…

…reduces inflammation all over the body…

…repairs and balances the gut…

…lowers anxiety and raises the spirits…

…and most importantly, it can naturally treat and prevent Alzheimer’s by destroying the toxins that build up in the brain!

Just a pinch of this powder can start curing a lifetime of exposure to this deadly toxic chemical.

This powder enters your bloodstream and travels around to every cell and tissue, including the brain…

And whenever it comes across this toxic chemical, the powder absorbs it, neutralizing the toxin on the spot.

And then it helps oxygenate the cells and tissues, reversing the damage that’s been done.

This ordinary white powder is like a janitor and security guard all in one.

It mops up all the mess and carries the toxins away.

And it protects the cells and tissues from further harm.

It’s an amazing natural cure to many of the worst health conditions on the planet.

But here’s the thing…

Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about this incredible white powder…

It’s cheap, it can’t be patented, and it works TOO well…

In fact, this powder has the potential to replace HALF the treatments Big Pharma sells, if not more…

So Big Pharma will do anything to keep this from me and you, and all the men in America…

However, for a limited time, I’m going to reveal this natural cancer-fighting powder, including where to get it and how much to use…

But there’s no telling how long this page will stay up, so watch this video now before it’s gone


–Matt Cook
