One of them even called the cops, but I still didn’t stop…
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Hey, I’m Craig, and my neighbors absolutely hate me now…
Because last night, I’m using the Orbiting Pearl on my girl when we’re in bed…
And she starts screaming louder than anything I’ve ever heard before!
The sheets are soaking wet, and she’s bucking like a wild bull in the rodeo.
And before I know it, she’s collapsing on me with a giant smile on her face…
…and telling me I gave her the best orgasmic release of her entire life.
So like any good man, I perform the Orbiting Pearl on her again…
And again…
And again…
And about ten more times after that!
And every time I perform it, she’s getting louder and more wild than the previous time.
I can hear the neighbors pounding on the wall and yelling at us to keep it down…
To be continued,