Jealous of my wife

Why can’t I have this too?

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Hey, Matt Cook here, and I was always jealous of my wife…

Women can have virtually endless pleasure it seems.

When I was dating, some of the girls were scary in their sexual appetites and capabilities…

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But what about men?

Are we basically doomed to only having our one O per night, and then experiencing the refractory period…

…the period where we can’t get it up, and then the longer term hangover of days or weeks?

I have studied this for many years and I think I have finally found a very easy way for a man to have virtually endless pleasure for hours at a time.

And the man goes from the “one and done” routine, perhaps edging to adult material…

…to always living life at a huge erotic point, where he feels remarkably powerful all day, all night — every day, every night.

And testosterone levels explode to the upside.

Women start coming onto the man like never before…they can smell a man who is oozing sexuality this way…

Doesn’t this sound like fun? Well read on and I’ll tell you how to get there…

But first, a little about the problem with typical “wet Os” for men — ejaculatory Os take so much out of a man.

When you’re 18 years old, it’s no problem. Come and you’re ready to go again in 20 minutes.

But as us guys get older, every time we come, it’s a huge biological cost to our bodies and it can take a week or more to recharge.

This is what I call the wet O hangover.

You know you have it when you go soft right away, can’t get rocky again for 20 minutes or an hour or until the next day…

Then if you are aware of your energies and your feelings, you’ll notice you feel blah the next 5 days or even 7 or 10 days.

That’s the dreaded hangover men experience following an ejaculation…

…which often takes days or a week or more to recharge the sexual batteries.

For a while, I got around this problem by practicing what I call “Nirvana Sex.”

And it’s allowed me to be able to have Nirvana Sex 4 times a week, for 30 minutes each time.

And it’s like a whole body orgasmic experience for me, and Jodi loves it too.

She had stopped being interested in the “conventional” pump-come-done, but she loves Nirvana Sex.

However, now that I’ve gone to this whole new level, we have an hour of intimate pleasure every morning…

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…sometimes another in the afternoon…

…and a half hour or hour before bedtime.

And that’s in addition to the 4-times-a-week Nirvana Sex.

It has made my life even better, where I am always in an aroused state and it makes every nuance of life so much more fun.

Plus rockines is much better — I’m on a hair trigger to get rocky like never before.

She touches me and I spring to attention.

For instance, the other day, Jodi was on a phone call and I’m next to her…

…and she’s touching my chest, just touching, and I’m in incredible pleasure paroxysms and all she’s doing is touching my chest.

I know my T is probably 1200 right now because I feel so virile all the time. It’s this wonderful heady feeling.

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When I felt this way as a teenager, I didn’t know what to do with all the sexual energy I had.

But today I do. I am living an incredibly pleasure-filled life, and it has enhanced my work, made my health even better, and done incredible things for my marriage.

And Jodi has gotten incredibly fired up! She gets off on helping me get off.

But it’s not the “pump, come, and done” type anymore…and she loves this so much…

And unlike the old days, there is no lonely masturbation to adult material.

So if I were alone — if I wasn’t married — I’d be doing this same thing because it doesn’t require a partner and it doesn’t use adult material.

This is so great. It is endless arousal, and it gives us men infinite masculine powers and feelings that probably Genghis Khan didn’t even feel.

Imagine that you have this high level of pleasure every day or every night…you still want a partner but you are satisfied and happy with who you are…

…and that is actually when it’s easiest for women to become attracted to you…

So I say to myself, as I’m thinking this through reading so many “Help me, Matt” emails from men in our programs…

I want a natural method to provide endless abundance to single men as well as men in relationships.

And I want it for men who have had their prostate removed…

…or men who can’t get rocky at the moment…

…or men who have diabetes or other health issues.

There is no reason these men shouldn’t be experiencing the highest levels of pleasure and arousal…

And I realized that I myself want more. I want pleasure morning, noon and night, even if I’m not having intercourse with my wife.

And I want this for the men who look to our protocols and programs…so my research isn’t for myself as much as it is for you — men who follow me and my work…

For instance, a while back we did a survey. And we found that…

…two-thirds of our guys don’t have an ongoing relationship. So they need something that they can practice on their own.

And even the third who are in relationships are often in a marriage which has little or no physical intimacy.

It’s not the wife or the girlfriend’s fault either. A woman’s drive tends to be high prior to menopause.

But after menopause, Mother Nature tends to crush a woman’s drive.

And so a lot of men are kind of on their own…

They love their wives or their girlfriends and they don’t want to cheat, but they also want to continue a life of sexual pleasure.

For most men, that means masturbating to adult material.

And that’s okay, but it’s not even a tiny fraction of 1% of the pleasure that men are capable of.

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Because first of all, that practice causes desensitization in the male member. And often rockiness problems.

Second of all, it is really soul-crushing to rely on adult material.

It is lonely and makes a man feel crappy about himself.

I understand it, believe me I do, I used to do this too…

…but a man gets wired to adult material and that’s a huge bummer for his self esteem.

And third, ejaculating takes a lot out of a man, and those adult materials even make it worse.

So what I’m working on now is a way for any man to have constant pleasure every day, even all day if he wants…

…and he can have a partner, or he can be by himself…

And you can try this new method for free — and I hope you will let me know if it helps you and tell me about your experience.

Every man deserves to have great physical intimacy and feel loads of pleasure, and discover just how fantastically good physical intimacy can feel when you do it this way…


–Matt Cook