This hidden danger was killing me…here’s what created massive rockiness (and it was really easy!)
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I found out the root cause of my rockiness problems…
Each time a man encounters a trigger, the trigger affects his brain by causing a spurt of dopamine and hormones in his brain.
I call this the dopamine cocktail.
Each time a man’s brain has this dopamine cocktail, it loses sensitivity.
Constant exposure to triggers desensitizes the brain-member connection. The result is no morning wood, then no wood at all.
This reflects a loss of intimate energy and ability for the man.
And it’s not the man’s fault.
Marketers today use triggers constantly, so men are often exposed to 20 or 30 triggers every day.
This was getting me down — three ways:
- Not getting rocky down there
- Going soft during playtime
- Coming too fast
I found this solo activity solves all three problems by building UP your energy so you are more and more ready, getting semis all the time, waking up with wood…
Women find you mega attractive.
Random girls are staring at you, touching you for no real reason.
You sit down and the attractive girl bartender touches your hand, looks you in the eye, winks, says, “this drink’s on me.”
It’s awesome to live this way instead of the OTHER way. To live with increasing sexual energy all the time.
It’s how us guys are designed to live!
Here’s the solo activity that guarantees you’ll be rocky, rigid, and ready
–Matt Cook