This is weird…
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and I often spend time on forums where men participate in discussions about health and intimacy issues.
And recently I came across a lot of posts about people discussing the smell of cancer…
Yes, that’s right — apparently cancer has a smell.
And some people can actually detect cancer in others just by their scent.
Check this out:
More research is needed on this of course — but it could have a massive impact on how we detect and diagnose cancer in the future.
It may even save a lot of lives.
Right now there’s a ton of new cancer research coming out, and new breakthroughs every day…
In fact, someone very close to me was recently diagnosed with cancer…
…and I used some of these new discoveries to help treat her…
And I’m thrilled to be able to share with you today that she is now cancer free!
So I’m sharing these new cancer discoveries with as many men as possible, in the hopes it will help you or someone you love too.
–Matt Cook