How often are you eating this fish?
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and when I’m working with men one-on-one in my Transformations, they are often sharing their diet with me…
And I’m noticing that a lot of men are eating fish pretty regularly.
Fish is healthy in moderation. But not all fish are created equal…
For instance, there are some fish that are absolutely awful for you, specifically for your heart.
For instance, the #1 worst fish for your heart is probably swordfish.
Swordfish seems healthy but it actually contains a lot of mercury which is bad for the heart.
Mercury increases the risk of cardiovascular events like heart attacks in men.
So I recommend men don’t eat swordfish at all. Salmon is a better option.
I also recommend this 90-second exercise that can help prevent heart disease and heart attacks in men
This simple exercise opens up the arteries and gets more oxygen-rich blood flowing to the heart very quickly…
And it could save a life.
Here’s my 90-second exercise that can help prevent heart attacks in men
–Matt Cook