How to lower blood pressure without pills (BPP)

How to lower blood pressure without pills

Perhaps one of the worst scandals in medicine is blood pressure medication.

Many of the blood pressure medications are very dangerous.

One of the worst side effects is steady, relentless ED.

But another side effect (which is under-reported) is postural hypotension.

You’re sitting at a dinner with your family, and you stand up — and you pass out.

This study puts the incidence of this symptom at 15% of people taking these medications.

That includes dizziness and sudden low blood pressure when you stand up.

They call an ambulance, you get all kinds of scans at the hospital, and they don’t find anything wrong.

It costs you thousands of dollars, and you’re lucky you didn’t break your hip or wrist.

So you look for things to do to lower your blood pressure.

And you hope you find something that won’t give you hypotension.

High blood pressure treatment without drugs IS possible.

Supplemental Vitamin D lowers blood pressure and makes you healthier.

This is a large study done in Australia.

This study seems pretty valuable.

It found that higher vitamin D levels correspond with greater health, and lower blood pressure.

The good news is, it’s pretty easy to take vitamin D.

You will do best to take vitamin D3 not vitamin D2.

Personally, I often take doses of 2000 to 5000 units of D3.

I am always sure to take vitamin D3 with plenty of vitamin K2, maybe 2 mg to 20 mg of K2 and plenty of vitamin A.

Vitamin D3 helps the body absorb calcium, and it lowers harmful levels of parathyroid hormone in the body.

Now here’s some great evidence that vitamin D can lower blood pressure quite a lot.

Now, this is a mouse study out of Israel.

This study showed extremely striking decreases in blood pressure.

For a human, this would be the equivalent of someone with 150/100, going to 110/70.

What makes this study useful is that it was done over a period of time.

You have to be taking vitamin D3 over several of months to get the best results.

Many studies don’t give the mice or the people vitamin K2 as we just discussed.

It’s quite possible that most men can lower their pressure without pills, and perform without erectile dysfunction.

I’ve prepared this very valuable video showing further ways to slash your blood pressure better than pills.

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